Of 7,000(+) languages
< 650 have the full Bible
< 450 have the OT in progress
1,150+ have the NT but no active OT
In total 6,000+ languages have no OT or OT in active progress
Of 1,314 languages
<60 have the full Bible
<60 have the OT in progress
260+ have the NT but no active OT
In total 1,200+ languages have no OT or OT in active progress
Of 2,140+ languages
<250 have the full Bible
<180 have the OT in progress
300+ have the NT but no active OT
In total 1,720+ languages have no OT or OT in active progress
Of 1,060+ languages
<70 have the full Bible
<30 have the OT in progress
320+ have the NT but no active OT
In total 970+ languages have no OT or OT in active progress
Of 280+ languages
<70 have the full Bible
<40 have the OT in progress
25+ have the NT but no active OT
In total 180+ languages have no OT or OT in active progress
Of 2,300+ languages
<220 have the full Bible
<140 have the OT in progress
260+ have the NT but no active OT
In total 1,950+ languages have no OT or OT in active progress