Word of God
4.2.20-IBLT believes in the power of the Word of God to transform lives and communities and that the key to effective transformation is personal engagement with the Word of God. We believe that the whole Word of God is crucial to long term community transformation and to building communities of faith. The Bible is therefore the foundation and guide for our life and practice.
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:4-9 John 1:1-4 Hebrews 4:12-13
Source Language
We believe in the divine inspiration and consequent authority of the whole Bible – including both the original Hebrew Testament and the Greek New Testament in the source languages. Consequently, it is highly desirable to work from the source languages in translation. This core value is expressed in our mission motto “the whole Word for the whole world” and is reflected in our entire ethos.
Scriptures: Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy 9:10; Isaiah 19:18; Daniel 2:4; Acts 21:40
“From Source Language To Every Language For All People”.
Scriptures: Genesis 26:4 Galatians 3:8 Matthew 28:18-20 Revelation 7:9-10
All People Ever Language
The instruction of Jesus to teach every follower “all he has commanded” is dependent upon making the whole counsel of God, the full Bible, accessible in a language and format with which they can engage. Therefore, the unfinished task of Scripture translation reaches beyond trade languages alone to every language with which God has blessed his children until all can say “God speaks my language”. “All people” implies inclusion of those whose primary communication is written, oral, or signed. At the heart of 4.2.20 – IBLT is the commitment and drive to use our core competencies in order to make it possible for all people of every language group to engage with Scripture. Our core competencies accelerate the work of translation.
Multi-ethnic & International
We believe that God’s Kingdom consists of Jesus’ followers from every tongue, tribe, and nation. This beautiful diversity is a reflection of the nature and character of God and of the value which he places upon each person, for all have been wonderfully created in God’s image. Our response to the wonder of His ways is expressed through respect for all His children. We therefore intentionally work to be international and multi-ethnic in composition, operations, and relations.
Scriptures: Joel 2:28-29 Acts 2:1-17 Eph 2:13-22
We believe that working collaboratively expresses the true nature of the Kingdom of God where each person is valued and has a unique and important contribution to make to the whole. We therefore seek to develop effective collaborative initiatives with individual believers and corporate entities throughout the world.
Scriptures: Psalm 133 John 15:5 John 17:21-23 Ephesians 4:1-6
We believe that God is the Creator and that he is continually creating. God’s eternal Word was communicated in innovative and creative ways as expressed throughout Scripture. We therefore strive for creativity and innovation in our approach to strategic, programmatic and operational matters. As God enables, we serve as a catalytic agent within the Bible Translation movement working from our core competencies to supply innovative solutions where there are gaps in the supply chain.
Scriptures: Genesis 1:1-27 Isaiah 43:18-19 Revelation 21:5
Intercession – The Scriptures command us to “pray continually”. While on earth Jesus modeled a life of prayer and taught his disciples to pray. Even now he intercedes for us in the heavenly throne room. The Bible tells us that we can have the privilege and responsibility of “creating with God” as we pray according to his will. We therefore seek to faithfully steward this entrustment by practicing a corporate lifestyle of prayer and intercession at all times.
Scriptures: Ezekiel 22:30 Matthew 6:9-13 Philippians 4:6 I Thessalonians 5:17 1 Timothy 2:1 1 John 5:14
How We Serve
Consequently, as a reflection of the above values and in stewardship of a precious entrustment, The 4.2.20 Foundation – Institute of Biblical Languages and Translation, serves as a source language capacity builder for the Bible translation movement, providing education and tools to accelerate access to the full Bible for people of all languages, whether written, oral or signed.
The 4.2.20 Foundation subscribes to the Lausanne Covenant